UCSA offers many opportunities for students to get involved in the shared governance of the UC. Application deadlines are quickly approaching, so fill out the applications at the links below soon!
Be a Systemwide Committee Rep!
UCSA nominates students to sit on UC systemwide committees and select UC Regent Standing Committees. Systemwide committees deal with critical policy issues that affect every student in the UC system (admissions policy, budget prioritization, and technology investments). It is vital that UC students have strong representatives on these committees. Apply.
Be a UCSA Appointed Officer!
In recognizing a need to expand our work in a number of areas of interest for students, the UCSA Board has established Appointed Officer positions to support and advise the association on all matters relating to their respective fields, providing regular reports on their respective activities and correspondence. Apply by August 31.
Be a Student Advocate to the Regents
Student Advocates to the Regents (StARs) are students chosen by UCSA to attend Board of Regents meetings and speak on behalf of student priorities. They are provided direct access to the Regents without the constraints of the line separating approved guests from the public audience. StARs also meet Regents and UCOP staff during informal parts of the agenda such as breaks and meals. Being a StAR provides a unique opportunity to advocate for the issues you most care about. Apply by September 1 for the September meeting.