UCSA Students Respond to 2016-17 Budget Heard by UC Board of Regents (November 2015)
UCSA Student Conference Motivates Demonstration for UC Workers’ Rights (November 2015)
UCSA President’s Statement SB 376 (September 2015)
UCSA Announces Plan for #HowAreYou: A Call to Reform Student Mental Health Services (September 2015)
UCSA Announces “#Let’sTalk” Campaign, Leadership for 2015-16 Academic Year (August 2015)
UCSA President Responds to July 2015 Board of Regents Meeting (July 2015)
UCSA Responds to 2015-16 State Budget Deal (June 2015)
UCSA Statement on Student Regent Nominee (June 2015)
UCSA Calls for Committee of Two to Meet (April 2015)
UCSA Response to Napolitano remark (March 2015)
UCSA Statement on Summer Tuition Walkback (February 2015)
UCSA Statement on Divestment Vote (January 2015)
UCSA Responds to Governor Brown’s Proposed State Budget (January 2015)
UCSA Statement Regarding UC Tuition Plan and Alternative Funding Proposals (December 2014)
UCSA Optimistic About New Regent Appointments (December 2014)
UCSA Rejects New UC Tuition Plan (November 2014)
UCSA Statement on Tuition Plan (November 2014)
UCSA Statement Regarding Appointment of UC Student Regent-Designate (July 2014)
UCSA Calls for UC Regents to Postpone Confirmation of Student Regent Designate Nominee (July 2014)
UCSA Stands in Solidarity with Students of UC Santa Barbara (June 2014)
UCSA Supports Need for Sexual Assault Prevention on UC Campuses (March 2014)
UCSA Calls for a New Master Plan for Higher Education (February 2014)
UCSA Urges Governor Brown to Reform UC Regent Selection Criteria (January 2014)
UCSA Continues to Advocate for Increased State Funding (January 2014)
UCSA Commends Assembly Democrats’ 2014-2015 Blueprint Budget Plan (December 2013)
UCSA Annual Student of Color Conference Celebrates its 25th Anniversary (November 2013)
UCSA Acknowledges President Napolitano’s Start of Term with Mixed Reactions (October 2013)